How Can You Reduce Your Carbon Footprint at Home

As climate change continues to be one of the relentless global challenges, more and more of us are looking for ways to make things better.

And while most of us don’t have the power to influence policy and reduce company emissions, we can at least reduce our own carbon footprint.

So to help you out, today’s post is going to give you 15 ways that you can reduce your carbon footprint at home.

While you may not be able to implement all of them, we truly hope you can pick up a few.

Turn off the lights when you leave the room

Truth be told, a lot of electrical energy is wasted by powering empty rooms, something that is both expensive and bad for the environment.

So, if you are looking for a starting point in your sustainability journey, start turning off the lights when you leave a room. And while you’re at it, unplug all unused devices also.

Use energy-efficient appliances and bulbs

With manufacturers coming up with more and more energy-efficient appliances each year, this will be an easy tip to implement.

It may not seem like much but some appliances use up to 50% less energy than their predecessors.

Reduce your water use

Another easy way to reduce your carbon footprint is to reduce your water use.

Since getting water to our homes requires both energy and resources, the less you use the better things are for the environment.

So remember to close the tap after washing your hands, always try to take short showers, and don’t leave the tap running when you are brushing your teeth.

Also, you could look into installing a low-flow showerhead.

This will not only reduce the amount of water you use but also the energy used for hot showers. In fact, this can save up to 350 pounds of carbon dioxide per year.

Turn down your water heater’s temperature

Something as small as turning down your water heater’s temperature to 120 degrees Fahrenheit can save you around 550 pounds of carbon dioxide per year.

And while you’re at it you could also think about getting a smart thermostat. It could save you a lot of energy and money in the long run.

Consider insulating your home

Insulating your home ensures that it stays warm during the winter and cool in the summer.

In the long run, this saves you the money and energy you would have used to maintain optimal temperatures.

Opt for renewable sources of energy

Not only do renewable sources of energy produce fewer emissions, but they can also be more affordable.

With more and more energy companies providing greener tariffs, now is the perfect time to switch to solar or wind energy.

Try a plant-based diet

The production of meat and dairy products not only releases a lot of greenhouse gases but also requires a lot of land, water, and energy. And let’s not even talk about how polluting their constant transportation can be.

Ultimately, the best way to offset this is to opt for a plant-based diet and source our food locally.

Go digital

Whether it be reading or working from home, going digital does a lot to lower your carbon footprint.

For one, you won’t have to print often, something that reduces your paper usage and the costs associated with it.

Also, you won’t have to buy a lot of appliances for your home office, a decision that will save you both money and energy.

So if you have an opportunity to collaborate online, take it. After all, the cloud is all that you need to store your documents online and even share them with others.

Buy food in bulk and plan your meals

Instead of going to the grocery store several times a week, it is better to buy your food in bulk and even carry some reusable containers with you.

This reduces the number of car rides you have to take and helps you be organized. When coupled with efficient meal planning, it could reduce waste as well.

Try out composting

If you have a backyard, composting is a great way to deal with food waste. And even if you live in an apartment in a busy city, you could still look for a compost drop-off site.

If you live in New York, can help you find a suitable one.

Go for laptops instead of desktops

If you are on the market for a computer, it is best to go for a laptop instead of a desktop. This is because the former consumes so much less power than the latter.

Do an energy audit of your home

This will help you understand how you use energy, identify where you waste the most energy, and even provide recommendations on how to reduce waste in the future.

When done regularly, such audits even let you know how your doing with your energy conservation goals.

Stream on your TV instead of your game console

Since they are not designed for that purpose, game consoles use 10 times more energy to stream a movie than Smart TVs.

TVs only use a few watts of power for this and are hands-down the better option for both your budget and the environment.

Don’t go too low with your fridge/freezer temperatures

According to the United States Department of Energy, the optimum temperature for your refrigerator’s fresh food compartment is 35 to 38 degrees Fahrenheit.

On the other hand, the freezer compartment should be 0 degrees Fahrenheit. So anything below these temperatures is just a waste of energy.

Also, it is worth noting that old refrigerators use a lot of energy and can cost you up to 100 more dollars per year to run. So if you have had it for 15 years or more, it is time to replace it.

Steer clear of disposable utensils

As much as disposable plates and forks are convenient, they lead to a lot of waste and generally contribute to your carbon footprint.

Instead, opt for high-quality utensils that you can use for years to come.

Start slowly

When it comes to reducing your carbon footprint, it is best to start with a few changes and build up as you go.

Otherwise, you may get too overwhelmed and give up. So take things slow and don’t be too hard on yourself – you are on the right track.

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