Yeti Cups: 24 Things You Should Know

If you’re an outdoorsy person, you’ve probably heard of Yeti cups. They are the perfect blend of a cooler and a tumbler, with a durability that is hard to find in other products.
Their rugged look, smooth branding, large size, and versatility have won the hearts of many. That’s why they can be so expensive and people will still buy them.
But as with all products, users of
usually have some concerns – there are some questions they regularly ask.Fortunately, these are the questions we’re planning to answer today. So sit back, relax, and get ready to be thoroughly informed.
Why does my Yeti cup get moldy?
Yeti cups get moldy if you don’t clean them properly or leave them with water for long periods – this is because mold thrives in dark and wet places. Mold can particularly be a problem if you use your Yeti cup for drinks with milk in them.
How do I get mold out of my Yeti cup?
To get mold out of your Yeti cup, you need to do a deep clean. Here is a step-by-step guide of the cleaning process:
- Rinse: First of all, rinse your cup to get rid of any loose mold and drinks. You can even fill it with a little water, close it with its lid, and shake it before pouring the water out.
- Use vinegar: Once you’ve rinsed the Yeti cup, it’s time to add some vinegar to the equation. First of all, you’ll need to pour some vinegar into your cup, close it, and shake it until the vinegar covers its whole interior. Afterward, let the cup soak in the vinegar for around 30 minutes.
- Use a baking soda paste to scrub: As your Yeti cup soaks, you can create a baking soda paste for the next step of the deep clean. Just pour some baking soda into a bowl, add a little water to it, and mix to create a thick paste. Afterward, apply the paste to your dishcloth or toothbrush and use it to scrub your Yeti cup. Ensure you scrub all the surfaces of the cup – take your time. Don’t worry if you notice any fizzing – this is just how the baking soda reacts with the vinegar. Once you’re satisfied with all the scrubbing you’ve done, let everything sit for around 15 minutes.
- Rinse: Now that everything is cleaned out, rinse your cup thoroughly, keeping an eye out for any remaining mold, vinegar, or baking powder. Remember to rinse your dishcloth/toothbrush as well.
Can you bleach a Yeti cup?
No, it’s not advisable to bleach a Yeti cup. Since these cups are made of stainless steel, bleach will stain and damage them. The bleach will react with the protective chromium layer on the stainless steel, corroding it, and allowing rusting/staining to take place.
Can a Yeti cup make you sick?
Yes, if your Yeti cup is moldy, it can make you sick. This is because some molds produce toxins under the right conditions.
Is drinking out of a Yeti cup safe?
As long as it’s clean, drinking out of a Yeti cup is safe. These cups don’t leach any chemicals and aren’t linked to diseases
How do you clean a Yeti cup?
For routine cleaning, tossing your Yeti cup in the dishwasher is more than enough. If you’re dealing with tough stains though, use Yeti deep cleaning tablets. All you have to do is drop one in the cup, add some water, let the solution sit for around 5 minutes, pour it out, then rinse the cup thoroughly.
Afterward, you can toss the cup in the dishwasher for an extra scrub before you use it. Just ensure you don’t shake the cup while the solution is inside. Also, if you are washing cups that are over 30 ounces in size, it’s advisable to use two tablets.
Why does my Yeti cup smell?
Yeti cups usually smell after you’ve left a drink in them for too long or haven’t washed them properly. This is particularly common when it comes to drinks with a sugar base or strong flavors. They can easily get into the crevices of your cup, leading to bacteria growth and odor.
Why does my Yeti cup smell like metal?
If your Yeti cup smells like metal, here are some possible causes:
If you buy a Yeti cup and use it immediately before rinsing it out, it could smell like metal. This is because of the dirt it has gathered while in transit. Also, this smell can be a result of dirt accumulated throughout your use of the cup – it could be a signal that it’s time to schedule a deep clean.
Exposure to intense heat
Since Yeti cups can only withstand temperatures of up to 185 degrees, temperatures higher than this can make them taste like metal.
When mold is trapped under the rubber gasket of your Yeti cup, it can make it smell like metal.
While Yeti cups usually last for years and rarely rust, rust can appear as a result of using harsh chemicals like bleach on your cup. Don’t worry if you encounter this though – your rust problem can easily be solved using a stainless steel cleaner.
How do you get the smell out of a Yeti cup?
If you’ve been struggling with an unpleasant smell coming from your Yeti cup, here are a few ways you can get rid of it:
- Wash the cup – The first thing you should do when you notice that your Yeti cup has an unpleasant smell is to wash it. Just fill your sink with warm soapy water and use a bottle brush to scrub the cup clean. Afterward, thoroughly rinse it and leave it to air dry.
- Soak the cup in white vinegar – Another way you can remove smells from your Yeti cup is by using white vinegar. In fact, all you have to do is pour some into your cup, close it, shake it so that it spreads well, and let it sit for 15 to 30 minutes. Afterward, wash your cup well, rinse it thoroughly, and leave it out to dry.
- Use dry rice and detergent – Using dry rice and detergent to scrub your Yeti cup can help get rid of any residue and odor. It can even be more powerful than using a brush. Also, it requires less labor – you can just pour the rice, detergent, and water into the cup, close it, and shake.
- Use hot water – If the smell isn’t that strong, repetitively filling your cup with boiling water, letting it sit for a few hours, and then pouring it out can be quite effective.
- Use Yeti cleaning tablets – If you’re looking for a quick low-effort way to get rid of smells from your Yeti cup, your best option is to use cleaning tablets.
Can I put my Yeti cup in the freezer?
While you can put your Yeti cup in the refrigerator, you can’t put it in the freezer.
Why can’t Yeti cups go in the freezer?
Since liquids expand when they freeze, they can easily alter the shape of your Yeti cup and even compromise the vacuum between its inner and outer walls. This will make it lose its insulating ability.
Are Yeti cups microwave-safe?
While it’s not advisable to do so, you can safely use a Yeti cup in the microwave.
What happens when you microwave a Yeti cup?
While a Yeti cup will heat up when you microwave it, it won’t heat up as much as a regular cup. Also, it will take longer for its contents to heat up. As such, it is not an effective container for microwaving.
Are Yeti cups dishwasher-safe?
Yes, you can easily put your Yeti in the dishwasher and clean it that way.
Can you put a Yeti lid in the dishwasher?
Yes, Yeti lids are also dishwasher-safe.
Can you put carbonated drinks in a Yeti cup?
Whether you’re using a Yeti cup or bottle, it is safe to pour a carbonated drink into it. This is because these products are made of stainless steel and won’t be corroded by these drinks – they can handle the pressure. Also, the insulation they have ensures that your carbonated drink doesn’t go flat quickly.
Can you put juice in Yeti cups?
Yes, you can put juice or even fruit-infused water in a Yeti cup. Its stainless steel surface won’t react with the liquid – it will just keep it cool for you.
Can you put lemon water in a Yeti cup?
While lemon water is acidic, it isn’t corrosive enough to react with the type of stainless steel Yeti cups are made of.
Can you put milk in a Yeti cup?
As long as its temperature is below 40 degrees Fahrenheit, milk can be safely put in a Yeti cup for 2 to 6 hours – the closer it is to its freezing point, the longer it lasts. When temperatures get higher than 40 degrees Fahrenheit though, a bacteria called lactobacilli will start to grow in the milk and multiply, spoiling it and eventually leading to food poisoning.
That’s why it’s always a good idea to toss a few reusable ice bricks in your milk whenever you’re storing milk in a Yeti cup. These will not only keep your milk cold for longer but also won’t dilute it as ice cubes do.
Can you put boiling water in a Yeti cup?
Ideally, you shouldn’t put liquids hotter than 185 degrees Fahrenheit in your Yeti cup. And since boiling water has a temperature of 212 degrees Fahrenheit, you’re going to have to wait until it cools down a little.
Can you put hot coffee in a Yeti cup?
Yes, you can put hot coffee in a Yeti cup. It will not react with the stainless steel – the cup will just keep it hot for you.
How long does hot water stay hot in a Yeti cup?
A Yeti cup can keep water hot for at least 6 hours. Ultimately, the hotter the water is when you put it in the cup, the longer it will stay hot – it can even stay hot for a whopping 12 hours. To ensure the water stays hot for longer, you can preheat the cup and keep its lid on.
How long does cold water stay cold in a Yeti cup?
Yeti cups can keep water cold for periods of anywhere between 6 hours and 3 days. The exact value depends on factors like the original temperature of the water, its volume, the amount of ice added, and outside temperatures.
Generally, iced water can stay cold for 12 to 24 hours. As a rule of thumb though, larger cups and larger amounts of ice keep water cooler for longer. Also, the colder the temperatures are outside and your drink is to begin with, the longer it will remain cold. Finally, filling your cup to the brim, always keeping it closed, and pre-chilling it will keep your water cold for longer.
Even if you do all these things though, Yeti cups aren’t as effective at keeping water cold as Yeti bottles. This is because the latter have airtight lids with thick insulation that the former don’t. While the resulting difference in cold retention isn’t huge, it is significant.
Can Yeti cups stop working?
Yes, Yeti cups can stop working. This happens when the vacuum between their inner and outer walls is compromised and filled with air, resulting in a loss of insulating properties. Ultimately, this issue can’t be fixed and will require you to buy another cup.
Be willing to learn as you go
When it comes to Yeti cups, the best way to learn about them is to use them. So don’t stress yourself out about what you don’t know – you’ll learn as you go!
Or, if a Yeti cup doesn’t feel quite right, you might be interested in some Yeti alternatives such as KeepCups and Hydro Flasks.
Can I buy replace parts to my Yeti lid to my cup?